Who is DB516? Docking Bay 516 is the Long
Island chapter of Fan Force, a worldwide collection of local Star Wars
fan groups connected with The Force.Net.
What do you do? Monthly meetings, conventions, and
some special events. Mostly, we�re a social group that tries to find
fun things to do together. Star Wars is the common thread that unites
us, but we enjoy other fandoms too.
How do I join? That�s easy - just come to a
meeting! You can also sign up for our
Yahoo group: DB516,
and join the
discussion on our
message boards.
When are meetings? We try to hold our meetings the
second Sunday of every month, usually at the
Broadway Mall food court in
Hicksville. There�s some official club business, table
rearranging, and a lot of general discussion. Newcomers are always
welcome to participate in the mayhem!
Are there any dues? Yes, we do collect
some dues. But, it is voluntary! It is not necessary to pay dues to be
a member or to participate in meetings and events. Basically we try to
collect a few dollars at each meeting, to cover the yearly costs of
our table at I-CON, and the web
site & domain name.
Do I need a costume? No. Although
some of our events involve costuming, DB516 is primarily a casual
Is there an age requirement? Please
read our policy on minors |